I just stood there, staring.
Mark’s face went dark with irritation.
“What are you even doing here? I told you to stay home and take care of yourself.”
It was like a knife in the gut.
I couldn’t believe this was the same guy who was so excited to set up the baby’s room, and now, he was siding with this girl and putting me
Tears spilled down my cheeks, and it took every ounce of my strength to say, “Mark, you said it
yourself, people who cheat don’t get happy
Mark’s expression turned nasty.
“Shawna, get real. Lily and I are just friends,
okay? You’re pregnant and look like a balloon,
and it’s been pretty gross sleeping next to you.
It’s more than enough that I stay with you, if you ask me.”
“And anyway, this is the game, you know. We
do what we have to do, at least I plan to be a
family man with you after the kid is out.”
Lily tapped Mark’s chest, whining.
“Mark, don’t upset Mrs. Bennett, she’s carrying your child!”
Mark squeezed Lily’s tiny waist.
“That woman can’t even have a baby without
acting like a drama queen.”
Those two were cuddling up right in front of me
and my stomach went into overdrive, I couldn’t
hold it anymore.
“Ugh… ugh…”
Whatever was left in my stomach came up and went all over the closest people, Lily, and Mark. Lily especially, her jacket was a mess, covered in my vomit.
She went red in the face and ripped the jacket
off screaming.
“You witch, you did that on purpose!”
I was so angry I slapped her across the face.
“Witch, who are you calling a witch?”
She tried to push me, all out of control.
“Mark, you have to take my side. The dress you
gave me, it’s ruined!”
The waiters brought hot towels to clean up the
mess, Mark warned me.
“Shawna, you’re pushing it.”
The push threw me off balance and I landed
hard on my ass.
I was big, and clumsy trying to get up, it was ridiculous.
The people in the room started laughing.
“Look, Mark, she looks like a turtle trying to get
back on her feet.”
“A big, fat turtle! Ha ha!”
My eyes started burning, and before I could
even feel embarrassed, my stomach started
A warm liquid poured down, and when I looked
down, I saw blood and that my water had
Oh no…
I looked at Mark, begging for help.
- .
“Mark, take me to the hospital.”
“My water just broke..