“If you’re done, go to sleep, I don’t want to
fight with you.”
“Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean I
have to bow to you, okay?”
After the argument, he started not coming
He came back with lipstick on his neck, and
scratches all over him.
People told me.
“You’ve been the only woman by his side for
years, now that you’re pregnant it’s normal for
him to need something else.”
“He’ll come back, just try to hold it in.”
I had no family, and after I started seeing Mark I
never saw my friends.
I had no one to talk to.
I knew people thought my life was perfect they
I knew people thought my life was perfect, they
never judged Mark.
I touched my stomach, and my resolve started
to melt.
I didn’t believe that all the years we had spent
together would be forgotten.
I was scared and confused.
I finally caved, trying to make things right with
Mark ignored me, until I saw the text.
I thought he was willing to talk, but it was just
Lily showing off.
How funny is that?
The love I felt as a girl was nothing compared
to this.
20 year old Mark was in love with me, and
would die for me.
30 year old Mark held another woman in his
My mind started fading away.
I’m not sure how much time passed, but the
music suddenly stopped.
I heard someone barging in.
“We’re the club’s security, sorry to interrupt.
We found a bloody coat.”
“We need to check on everyone, please
Everyone was drunk and just yelled at the
“Happy New Year!”
Jake waved a bottle around.
“Screw you guys, we don’t need you. Get out of
The guard showed them the bloody coat and
“Is everyone here? Do we need to call the
When Mark saw the coat, he spoke up.
“That’s my wife’s coat, she got angry cause we
didn’t spend New Year’s together.”
His friends all started judging me.
“Mrs. Bennett is all kinds of emotional, she
didn’t let him out for one day.”
“Good thing the guard found the coat, if
someone called the cops that would be a waste
of time.”
“Mrs. Bennett is too much, she even makes it
hard for the cops on holiday.”
“Mark, you need to teach her a lesson, this is
what you get for marrying a bad woman.”
The guards were worried, but didn’t want to get
on their bad side.
One of the guards whispered to a waitress.
“Is everything okay here?”
“Oh yeah, everything is fine, that CEO’s wife
came over, they got into a fight and he locked
her in the bathroom.”
The guard asked if he could check on me, to
make sure I was safe.
Mark kicked him.
“What the hell are you looking at? My wife is in
the bathroom, get lost. I’ll talk to your
The guards backed down and left the room.
The music went back on.
I started losing consciousness.