Brittany broke down, and lunged at me.
“I am going to kill you!”
I left, ignoring her screams.
I later found out that Brittany and Mike.
started yelling at each other.
Eventually, they paid for the bill.
However, Mike forced Brittany to call each of
the students that they dined with, demanding
for them to pay him.
He calculated how much each person ate,
and demanded them to pay him based on
their consumption.
He wanted to demand money from me too,
but realized that I never ordered any food.
The students were outraged, especially
She called Drittony track and a lier blaming
She called Brittany trash, and a liar, blaming
her for the situation.
The students all refused to pay.
Mike threatened them, stating that he will
report their behaviors to the school.
The students gave in, and paid their dues.
The students then posted everything on the
Brittany and Mike’s life was ruined.
Brittany decided to divorce Mike, but Mike
Mike then held her hostage.
Brittany escaped.
She jumped from the 8th floor.
She lost her child.
She also lost her uterus.
Mike screamed, because he wanted the child.
He hated Brittany even more.
He then beat her up and put her in the
On the day that Brittany left the hospital, her
face was covered in bruises.
She went home, and tried to escape again.
Mike ended up poisoning her.
She lost her legs.
She can no longer walk.
He keeps her locked up in the house,
torturing her.
Ashley, who hates Brittany with all of her
being, takes photos of Brittany and posts it
on the internet.
Netizens are happy, and claim that she
deserves it.
She planned with Ashley to go to her house.
She poisoned her, and killed her.
She also killed Mike.
She got arrested, and was sentenced to
On the day of her arrest, she called herself
the wife of Tom, and threatened everyone.
It turned out that she was crazy.
They could not sentence her to death, and
she was locked away.
I had no emotion after hearing this.
I pitied her.
Everything that happened to her was her
Everything that happened to her was her
And it was not on me.