The last video ended.
Jake didn’t say anything.
One of the fans got up.
“So what? Jake’s with Brittany! Why show us
her videos now?
“Is she a homewrecker?”
Someone argued.
“This is before she passed away! They are
sharing it. She didn’t know!”
“Still. You can’t be a homewrecker, even after
you die.”
“She isn’t one.”
Jake spoke.
The crowd went silent.
Brittany hesitated and took the microphone.
“I need to say something.
“Jake and I… we’re not together.”
- 14.
Jake disappeared from the spotlight.
Brittany found him sitting in front of the
picture of him and Amy.
Cigarette butts everywhere.
“What are you doing!”
Brittany grabbed the cigarette.
“You haven’t eaten in three days! You can’t
just die to be with Amy! She wouldn’t want
“See it?”
Jake laughed bitterly.
“Can she even see me?”
Brittany stopped.
Jake put his head in his hands.
“She’d hate me, right?
“If I’d just been faster, just a little, I could’ve
gotten the money for her.
“Then she would’ve stayed.
He stopped and looked at Brittany.
“What are you doing here? I cleared
name. You don’t have to worry about
“Can you leave us alone?”
Brittany bit her lip.
“I need to say something.
“If Amy hated you, why would she clear your
“You grew up together. You know what she
was like.
“If she could see you, would she be okay with
“She wanted you to have a great career! Look
what you’re doing!”
Brittany kicked a dusty guitar.
“What about your music?
“If you loved her, spend the rest of your life
writing her songs! That’s better than killing
She left some takeout and walked out.
Jake stared at the guitar.
He got up and fell.
He hadn’t eaten.
He finally ate something and picked up the
He strummed a few chords.
“Love’s Color.”
That day, Jake’s Twitter was updated.
It was a piece of paper.
It said.
[With you, every morning feels like forever,
you in my life, love turned the world to a
[– 3/12/2023]
The fans knew what it meant.
[He wrote this for Amy? They weren’t broken
up then!]
[He’s been singing ‘I love you‘ to Amy the
whole time.]
[Why did the world have to do this to Amy?]
Amy’s Twitter gained a million followers
There was only one tweet.
[If you’re not feeling well, you can come here
and chat. Wish everyone to be happy and
There were a lot of new comments.
There were a lot of new comments.
[Is it nice over there? I am tired, I think I will
go see you]
[If you’re having troubles, share them with us,
I will help]
[Cancer hurts so much, how did you make it
to the end?]
[I got him back for you. Don’t worry.]
[My dog died, I said goodbye when he smiled.
I wanted to be with him]
[I am crying because your dog smiled before
passing, he will be your angel and protect
[Thank you, I love you, I will try to continue to
persist in loving what matters most in life.]
A comment was at the top.
[Too late to love you, will you still be here?“]
Commenter: Jake
The first reply was from the same ID:
“I love you.”
- 15.
Sarah posted a new video.
It was trending fast
It showed the old house being torn down.
Jake watched silently.
He didn’t say anything ‘til Sarah came up to
“What are you doing here?”
He kept looking at the rubble.
“Did she suffer?”
“No, it was like she fell asleep.”
He smiled.
“I keep thinking it’s all a dream.
“She’s still asleep.
“I’ll wake her up, and she’ll say hi.
“Every day, I wake up and stare at the ceiling.
“I’ve lost her.”
Sarah stopped.
Her voice trembled.
“That sounds familiar.
“She forgot she was sick sometimes too.”
Jake looked down.
Jake looked down.
“I want to live in that dream forever.”
He turned and walked alone down the road.
Sarah aimed the camera at the ruins.
Her laughter was shaky.
“We’ll be best friends in the next life, got it?”
A breeze blew, and a wind chime rang.
Sarah threw a rock.
“You jerk!”