Runaway Marriage 4

Runaway Marriage 4

We’re not calling it off.We were so close

could see the tiny hairs on his cheek. He 

looked so vulnerable. I touched his hair. Tell 

me why you want to marry me.He hesitated

trying to look away, but I cupped his chin

Tell me, Ethan. Babe. Tell me.” I stared at 

him. I don’t want to be kept in the dark.His 

eyelashes fluttered. He mumbled, I want to 

marry you.” “Why?Tears spilled down his 

cheeks. He looked at me, a silent plea in his 

eyes. I said it for him. You love me. Don’t 

you? Silly, why is that so hard to say?

caressed his cheek, trying to stand, but he 

pulled me onto the sofa, holding me tight. The 

cool composure shattered. He buried his face 

in my neck, sobbing. This isdisgusting

isn’t it? Melike thisloving you. It’s 


I stared at him, stunned. Disgusting

Repulsive? Didn’t he know he topped every 

Most Eligible Bachelorlist? How could 

someone like him be so insecure? I thought

finally understood. I lifted his face, wiping his 

tears. My friends are jealous I’m marrying 

you. They say I’m the luckiest girl alive. Why 

are you acting like it’s something to be 

ashamed of?He hid his face in my neck

again, silent. At least he’d stopped crying. I patted his back, sighing. Ethan, please. Have 

some confidence.” “You own a thirtytwo 

story building. People call you sir.You’re 

ridiculously goodlooking. If I fell for you, wouldn’t that benormal?He trembled

Youlove me?” “What do you think? Do 

you think I come here every day because I have nothing better to do?I patted his back

Ethan, girls don’t waste time on men they’re 

not interested in 

not interested in. Have a little faith in 

yourself. You’re amazing. Truly amazing. And 

we’ll be amazing together. Trust me.He 

started crying again, his tears hot against my 

neck. You can’t lie to me.I’m not lying.” 

My heart ached for him. I touched his earlobe

feeling his tears, the frantic beat of his heart 

against mine. He was different from anyone 

I’d ever dated. It wasintriguing.” I thought

Ethan was so fragile. A word, a look, could 

shatter him. It was strange to see in a man 

who ruled a corporate empire. But his 

assistant’s warnings echoed in my head

Don’t trigger him. I asked, Has he gotten 

worse?No.The assistant hesitated

Actually, he’s been much better. He hasn’t 

needed sleeping pills.” “Then why are you so 

worried?He’s better because of you. If you 

leave, if you get tired of thisit could be 

very bad.He pleaded, I don’t know why 

you’re doing this, but pleasedon’t leave 

him. He’ll break.” He’ll die, I finished the 

thought silently. I touched his arm. Don’t 

worry. I care about him more than you know.” 

I wasn’t a savior, or a therapist. All I could do 

was try to make him happy. Maybe if he was 

happy, the rest would follow

I was surprised when Ethan’s father 

contacted me. I hadn’t even known he had

father. He was from New York, impeccably 

dressed, with the same sharp features as 

Ethan, but a completely different aura. He 

radiated menace. He got straight to the point

Ms. Gray, I want you to leave my son.

blinked, taking a sip of tea. “How much are 

you offering?” “Two million. Enough to solve 

your family’sfinancial difficulties.

paused. I hadn’t known we had financial 

paustu, 1 HAUN & NHUWII WO TAU TIIanutaι 

difficulties. I studied him. We’re in love

You’ll have to do better than that. Ethan 

bought me a necklace worth three million

Two million isn’t nearly enough.” He scoffed

You think being with him is a good thing?” 

He sneered. Have you spoken to your ex- 

boyfriends lately? See how many are still… 

around. And that Liam fellow? You think 

Ethan will let him be? Or your brother? Blood 

relation won’t protect him. Ethan will destroy 

everyone around you. And you’ll be none the 

wiser, a pawn in his little game. How 

pathetic.I frowned, disgust rising in my 

throat. I trust Ethan. He wouldn’t do that


Check for yourself.He smiled, a chillingly 

confident smile. “Like father, like son. I used 

these tactics on his mother. He’ll use them on 

you. Just wait and see.” 

So, I assume your wife isn’t with your 


Quite the contrary. We’re very happy.He smiled smugly. She couldn’t escape. She 

resigned herself to her fate. She has family

you see, couldn’t abandon them. She’s very… 

docile now. Obedient. Waits for me at home 

every daysoft, gentle. I’ve clipped her 

claws, filed her teeth. Tamed her. She’s a bird 

in a gilded cage.” 

I woke up with a gasp, my back drenched

Runaway Marriage

Runaway Marriage

Status: Ongoing


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