claws, filed her teeth. Tamed her. She’s a bird
in a gilded cage.”
I woke up with a gasp, my back drenched in
sweat. The wind howled against the
windowpane, breaking the spell. It had been a
dream. I’d never met anyone as repulsive as Ethan’s father. The thought of his “taming”
philosophy made me sick to my stomach. It
was still afternoon. I’d slept for three hours.
Sixteen missed calls from Ethan
I called him back. Before I could speak, his
frantic voice filled my ear. “Why didn’t you
answer? You saw him, didn’t you? What did
he say? Are you leaving me? Are you going to
call off the wedding?”
“Stop.” I interrupted, exasperated. “I was
asleep. That’s all.”
Silence. Then, a small, broken voice. “Avery,
I’m scared.”
The raw fear in his voice sent a wave of
protectiveness through me. “Don’t be.” I
sighed. “He’s your father, but he’s a stranger
to me. I trust you more. Okay?”
He didn’t reply, just whispered, “Avery, I need
to see you.”
Ethan picked me up. He pulled me onto his
lap the second I got in the car, holding me
tight, his face buried in my neck. “Don’t
believe him. Don’t believe a word he says.”
“Okay.” I stroked his hair. “I only believe
He looked up, tears clinging to his lashes. My
coaching had paid off; he was finally
expressing his emotions. He mumbled,
“Please don’t see him again. I was so
scared… when you didn’t answer… I thought I
was going to die…”
“Don’t say that.” I covered his mouth. “You’ll
live to be a hundred.”
He blinked, momentarily stunned. I smiled,
stroking his hair. “If you don’t want me to see
him, I won’t. I only met him because of you,
anyway. Ethan, have some faith in yourself.” | took his hand. “I don’t care what anyone else
says. I trust what I see, what I hear, what you
tell me. You’re amazing, Ethan. You’re
brilliant. Remember that.
Ethan’s insecurity ran deep. I didn’t know
what had happened in his past, but he was
terrified of being unlovable, especially in
romantic relationships. He constantly second- guessed himself, convinced I would leave. I
complimented him constantly, on everything
from his looks to his intelligence, even the
shape of his fingernails. Confidence was the
key. I wanted him to relax, to enjoy our
relationship, not constantly worry about
pleasing me.
“Ethan, I’m an adult. I can make my own
decisions. I won’t let some stranger’s words
change how I feel about you.” I hugged him. “I love you. And I can tell you that myself. And
you’re so… incredible, I wouldn’t want to let
you go anyway.‘
His eyes sparkled, brighter than any diamond.
The coldness that had clung to him was
fading, replaced by something warmer, more
human. He wasn’t that brittle, broken man
anymore. I was finally getting through.
I knew Ethan’s childhood must have been
difficult, but I was still shocked when he
confessed he hated his name. “He blamed me
for coming between him and my mother. He
named me Ethan, hoping I’d die young.”
Ethan… a name that meant “strong,”
“enduring.” His father had wanted him dead
from birth. How could anyone be so cruel? I
squeezed his hand. “But your mother loved
“No, she didn’t.” He gave a bitter laugh. “I
trapped her. She wasn’t like you, Avery. She
was… traditional. Believed a woman’s place
was at home, even with her education. After I
was born, her rebellion became… pointless.
She couldn’t leave me, but she couldn’t give
me the life she wanted on her own. So she
gave up.
His voice was thick with pain, his eyes
shimmering with unshed tears. My heart
ached for him. “That wasn’t your fault, Ethan.
Your father’s sins aren’t yours to bear.” I held
him close. “You’re amazing, Ethan. Your
mother would be so proud of you.”
He gave another sad laugh. “Only you think
I’m good. That’s why… Avery, you’re all I
have.” He hugged me tighter. “You can’t
leave me. Please. I’ll go crazy.”
The harassing emails started a few days later.
I briefly considered confronting Ethan’s
father. How much hatred could one man hold
to try and sabotage his son’s happiness like
this? I took a deep breath and deleted them.
They were mostly threats, interspersed with
pictures of my exes, detailing their various
misfortunes, warning me to stay away from
Ethan. I was too busy with wedding
preparations to care. We hadn’t talked much.
So, when his assistant called, frantic, saying
Ethan had attempted suicide, it didn’t register
at first. Then the world went ice cold.
Ethan had seen his father just before. I didn’t
know what he’d said, but it had pushed Ethan
over the edge. He’d slit his wrists. They’d
found him in time. I huddled in the waiting
room, clutching a shawl, my teeth chattering.
What kind of father did that to his son? He
knew Ethan was fragile.
When they wheeled Ethan out, he was pale,
an IV dripping into his arm. All the healthy
color I’d coaxed back into his face was gone.
I sat beside him, staring, until he woke up. His
eyes found me, his voice a dry rasp. “Avery.”
I didn’t respond. I called the doctor. When he
was finally alone with me, I stood by his bed,
silent, watching him. The fear in his eyes was
palpable. “Please… yell at me. Hit me. Just…
don’t be like this, Avery. Don’t ignore me.”