Secrets Chapter 12

Secrets Chapter 12

12 Chapter 12 

POV Jess 

It has been a week! A WEEK what do you mean you can’t find him?, I squealed hysterically

Milo rubbed his head in angst at the pain I was showing, Listen Jess, I have tried everywhere but I can’t find him. I can not connect with him through mindlink. I have tried and well.., He said, falling silent

Well! What?, I hissed

I think the Alpha was hit by your words of mateand then Zeus battered her and well I think he just needs some time, Milo said barely a whisper

He needs to apologise for what happened to lib but he should be here, her birthday is only a day away and well☐☐. Has she even come out of that room yet?, I asked. Milo shook his head, I wondered what he thought of it all and then my thoughts ran to Lib. I opened the door the very morning after and visited often but Lib didn’t speak, she didn’t show any emotion but was staring blankly at the wall for days. Sadness gripped my heart as I thought about how rough my brother was but the emotions that flashed across both of their faces matched evenly. It was painful that they couldn’t recognise it for themselves. I must reunite them, I must make them see, Milo, could you keep looking and let me know please?, I said with pleading eyes

I watched as the love of my life simply nodded and walked away, I was tainted now. I had sacrificed him regardless if my intentions were to save him, I should have been willing to let him die than lose him

I sighed and slumped in a chair beside me as I saw the door close and Milo disappear. I wanted more than anything for him to look at her the way he used to but he didn’t show anything on his face towards me and it broke my heart

You know, he could be down at the old ladies home, Ruby my wolf said

Why can’t you sniff him out?, I queried

Ruby paced in my mind but I knew that she wasn’t the same as before, she broke that night and whimpered for days after

For Liberty, we can try, Ruby acknowledged

I nodded in appreciation, Ruby barely wanted to do anything but when Lib arrived it was like all her senses had reignited and she wanted to protect her. I couldn’t help but envy the feelings that Ruby had for a stranger than she did her human

As I headed out with Ruby pushing forward I couldn’t help but look into the room where Lib just sat staring at the wall

Lib , I said quietly 

She didn’t move a muscle, even her face stayed emotionless. I decided to tell her what I was doing and offer her to come with me, it may be madness but I believed that what my brother had said was true the old lady wouldn’t hurt her. I couldn’t help feeling the pull within that this was the right thing to do for her, Lib, Jake has gone missing, I decided to tell her

I saw a flash of concern trace her face, a reaction that I was shocked to see

She said nothing as if she hadn’t noticed the response herself

I couldn’t help smiling inside that she reacted to me, she actually made a movement that was a sign that she was still here with us

I am going looking for him, I said

Again this time she shut her eyes and took a deep breath. I couldn’t imagine what her thought process was, she is talking with her wolf, Ruby muttered

You can hear her wolf?, I said, astonished

Yes!, Carissa is weak but she wants to go, Lib doesn’t, Ruby hissed

Lib, he is your mate, Carissa can feel it. That pull to him even if you hate him, you still care for him, I gently said, squeezing her arm

She shook her head, disgusted with the thought, It can’t be, she whispered

He didn’t mean to hurt you Lib, he , I said faltering at the end

She looked at me with blank eyes, afraid that what I said was true and I reassured her gently, What he did was wrong, but he is fighting it, same as you and he is missing Lib, I said

She nodded with acceptance, Jess, I hate him, he can’t be my mate, he just can’t!, she said as tears gathered in her eyes

Please, come with me and find him, we can sort everything else out later, I said with a smile raising my hand to wipe her tears away

I couldn’t help my heart feel heavy towards her, she has had a lot to take in and now I was asking for her help to find the man that hurt her. For a moment I doubted asking her at all and as I was about to tell her to stay here she said, I felt it, I didn’t want to feel it……but I felt his pull to me and even though he was rough I felt safe. I hate him. Jess he is cold, he is cruel yet I can’t stop my body reacting to him,she said

Before I could say anything to react to what she had just said Lib rubbed her face with her hands and as I watched Lib Huff and let 

and walked from the room, COME ON THEN!, she shouted

Carissa wants to go, and If I don’t she will just be even more annoying than what she is now,she snapped

out a frustrated moan, as she stood up 

I couldn’t help smiling, Carissa knew her connection with Jake even if Liberty didn’t, maybe making them join together was going to Ruby started laughing, Why are you laughing?I asked

Well, this may go horribly wrong and you’ll get all the blame and you are happy as she walks from the room, she hissed

I rolled my eyes, there was nothing worse than being with a wolf that despised yoy

easier than I thought

As we walked through the forest, Liberty kept mumbling to herself. I assumed she was a wolf but it was nice to hear her speak after a week of silence. Suddenly she stopped and fell to her knees, shocked I rushed to her knees, What is it?I said I was concerned she was hurt

She started crying uncontrollably, Smack her, that will stop that noise, Ruby hissed

I shook Lib, What is it????, I shouted

Lib shook her head and said, I’m overwhelmed by sadness, I see flashes of images in my mind.” 

She wiped her face and she looked at me with bloodshot eyes, Jenkins packs are here, she said

Fear filled my veins, What?, I stuttered

I grabbed her arm trying to pull her up, How do you know?, I said shakily

I can feel it, I can’t explain☐☐ but I can see them in my mind, a flash of a picture and well., she started to speak when a rustle in the trees startled us. Shift, I hissed to Lib

I mindlinked Milo, Milo, I said with urgency 

He sensed straight away I needed him and a pang of pain hit me knowing that it was our shared connection we once had that I didn’t have to tell him I was in trouble. Where are you?, he hurriedly said

Out of bounds area, I said quickly

As I shifted I could hear Lib shift beside me, her beautiful white and brown fur flecked with blue shone so bright in the sun through the trees

Her wolf outshone my brown and auburn haired wolf, she was magnificent but she looked so different to how I have seen her before, the colours were mesmerising.She is different,Ruby whispered to me

I agreed, it was as if Carissa had changed her form completely, that I was so breath taken away by her sight that I forgot that we were in danger

Carissa stepped in front of me,Lib, what are you doing?,I spoke quietly

You are the Alpha sister, you must be protected,Carissa spoke with power and love

I could feel her energy fill the mindlink and tell the border patrol of their Alpha sister danger. She was authoritative, calm, and a completely different person to who I knew. I could hear the gasps through the link, they all thought the same

From nowhere, 10 wolves pushed through the trees to where we stood, Back to back we stood. Hawkins, Lib Growled 

Hawkins smiled and winked, Well well, haven’t you grown up in what has been a matter of weeks,he spat

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I could sense her nerves start to quiver, I mindlinked her, It’s okay Lib, our pack will be here soon, I tried to reassure her

Are you waiting for your Alpha?, Hawkins said with a sadistic laugh

This ruffled my fur, What have you done with him!, I shouted

Ha!We haven’t done anything , he said with a sigh

Not for the want of trying though,Lib spat

Hawkins took a step closer to Lib, a growl escaped me

Don’t play games Hawkins!, she spat at him baring her canines

You still have fight in you then,Hawkins said while creeping forward

Suddenly the mindlink opened and I could hear Lib call, Alpha Jake, please speak and tell me you survived. Sadness flooded me, I could feel her hostility towards him but also her concern to reach out

Alpha Jake, I saw what happened, she called 

I held my breath as all of our pack had tried over the week to make contact, what had Lib seen flash in her mind for her to sob like she did, I was filled with worry dread and fear 

And then it happened

Hawkins you need to leave!, she stepped towards him

Hawkins shifted and before us he stood in fully wolf form and it was scary

The others ordered to stay back as Hawkins circled Lib

She wasn’t scared that was evident even though she stepped forward and bared her teeth, Where is he!, she spat 

Fallen in Love again?, so quick when our Luna is still recovering from your last heartbreak you bitch!Hawkins spat

HA! He is my Alpha that is all,she laughed

Her demeanour was different, her words did not match her actions and that’s when I heard her urgency and she spoke with such power that hit us all, ALPHA, I COMMAND YOU TO ANSWER ME, ARE YOU OKAY?

ZEUS, I NEED YOU NOW,called Carissa

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Status: Ongoing


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