I woke up again in the hospital.
Sarah told me I’d been out for a full two
Ben barged in as soon as he knew I was
awake. He was a mess–hair all over the
place, unshaven, looking like crap.
“Jo, how are you? Do you feel any bett-”
I turned my head and Sarah immediately
understood. She smacked Ben right across
the face.
Her eyes were filled with tears.
“You scumbag! You swore to me you’d take
care of Jo, and now she’s all messed up
because of you. How dare you even show
your face here?”
“Baby, it wasn’t on purpose. I was just mad
that you had been ignoring me for so many
days. I just pushed.”
“I grabbed your coat. I didn’t mean for this to
“Oh, bull! You didn’t know? You don’t know
anything, do you, you douchebag!”
“You have no idea what you did. While you
were online bashing Jo, your three–month–old
baby died, do you? You have no idea she had
just gone through a miscarriage when you
pushed her in front of that car!”
Sarah was crying so hard she could barely get
her words out. “Do you even remember she
talked about seeing the Northern lights? That
Maldives trip? What about the desert in Utah?
Did you even think about her when you were
taking all those photos?”
Ben went white as a sheet.
He looked at me, shaking. “Jo, I thought, I thought it wasn’t a big deal, we’d fix things later-”
“Divorce me.” I said, looking him straight in
the eye. “You’re the at–fault party. I get 70%
of everything.”
“I’m not divorcing you!” Ben shouted. “Jo, I just made one mistake, that doesn’t mean we
have to get divorced.”
I took a deep breath.
“If you don’t agree to the divorce, I will go to
the ends of the earth to make this car crash a
police investigation. I know it won’t hurt you
much if we stick to assault.
“But I’m not letting Tiffany off the hook.”
With that, Sarah threw the divorce papers at
Ben’s face. Then she threw him out.
A few minutes later, another guy came in.
Turns out the person who hit me with the car
was actually Zach, my old college
He was looking at me, filled with guilt, “My
bad, I hit the breaks too late. Luckily, I wasn’t
going too fast. If anything happened to you, I
don’t know what I’d do.”
I smiled.
He continued, “You just rest up. I’m going to
kill Ben and Tiffany.
“That’s on them, the bastards framed me,
almost got me locked up for life!”