Shattered my sister’s dreamof marrying a rich man Chapter 1

Shattered my sister’s dreamof marrying a rich man Chapter 1

Shattered my sister’s dream of marrying a rich man 


My sister, Crystal, was convinced she was

dead ringer for some billionaire’s late wife. I’m 

talking, like, the kind of resemblance you see on 

those celebrities and their doppelgangers” 

lists. Anyway, she decided that meant she was 

destined to be Mrs. Billionaire 2.0

So, being the brainiac she is, Crystal hatched a 



plan to meet the guy’s wife Bethany and 

accidentallyarrange a little accidentfor her

I’m talking hit and run kind of vibes. I got wind 

of this scheme and managed to get to Bethany 

before Crystal did

I chewed Crystal out on the way home, trying to 

knock some sense into her. Look, Blake 

Sterling didn’t build his empire by being stupid

He’s a freakinshark. Your amateurhour plans 

will get you busted, and you’ll drag the whole 

family down with you.” 

Crystal actually nodded like she understood

But then, she went home and poured Drano, the 

most dangerous cleaning chemical, into my 

water glass. I got her words burned into my 

brain with pain, You’re just jealous because

have the face to bag a billionaire. You’re ruining 

my fairytale, so I’m ruining you.” 

Then I woke upback to the day she hatched 

her scheme

The screech of tires and a sickening thud 

ripped through the air. Crystal, without missing 

a beat, bolted toward the scene

She was kneeling beside the woman on the 

ground, screaming, Forget the car! Somebody 

call 911, NOW!” 

Crystal, wearing a full face of makeup that looked like it had been professionally applied, started doing CPR, going straight for mouth- tomouth without even flinching

Her fancy dress was soaked in blood. Anyone watching would have thought she was a saint

The ambulance and a gaggle of reporters arrived almost simultaneously

Crystal, glaring into the cameras, snapped

Have you people no decency? This is about 

saving a life, not getting a story!” 

She turned, practically shoving the paramedics to the victim, Bethany, Doctors, please help 

her, she’s so beautiful, she can’t die so young!” 

One of the doctors, clearly moved, responded




We’ll do everything we can. Are you family?” 

Crystal shook her head, Just a passerby. But 

I’ll go with you, help with the bills, whatever it 


The doctor praised her heroism and rushed her 

into the ambulance. As she turned, she swiped 

Bethany’s cellphone without anyone seeing it

I watched the ambulance pull away. Thirty 

minutes later, a black SUV screeched to a halt at the intersection. A guy in a grey suit jumped Blake Sterling’s righthand man,



recognized him from the news. He surveyed the 

scene, then started talking to the cops

I pulled out my phone and texted Crystal

Me: Saw you on TV, Crystal. What the hell did 

you do

Her reply was immediate. Crystal: None of your 


That got a smirk out of me

Crystal had watched too many Hallmark movies 

and thought every billionaire was a sap

She had that one accidental brush with Blake

and he told her she was a dead ringerfor his 

late wife, and now she was seeing dollar signs 

and wedding bells

Last time around, I’d tried to talk her out of it

and I ended up paying the ultimate price

This time, the first thing I needed to do was 

distance myself, make sure I wasn’t collateral 

damage when Blake Sterling came for her

I was just about to head home when the 

hospital called. They had a patient in critical 

need of blood, and they wanted to know if I was 

available, stat



Crystal and I both had a rare blood type


negative and our information was in the 

blood bank’s system


Hearing someone was desperate, I rushed to 

the hospital without even thinking. Turns out

the patient who needed the blood was Bethany 


After they took my blood, I headed to the 

waiting room

Crystal saw me and froze. What are you doing 


I sat down, saying, Heard someone needed

neg. Just doing my civic duty.” 

I glanced at her, then asked, What were you 

doing there, anyway?” 

After I found out about Crystal’s plan, I had 

tried to talk her out of it, even threatening to 


call the cops on her

  • )

Crystal, nervous that I was catching on, offered

Justpassing by.” 

Oh,I replied, and I shut my mouth and just 

close my eyes

When I didn’t press it, Crystal couldn’t resist bragging. She leaned in and whispered, Janice, you know who that woman is? Blake Sterling’s 

wife. Blake said I look just like her when she was younger. Once she kicks the bucket, I’m gonna be the next Mrs. Billionaire.” 

Usually, when she talked like this, I’d tell her to 

wake up and smell the coffee. But this time,

gushed, Wow, congrats! When you’re the First 

Lady of Sterling Enterprises, can you get me


Shattered my sister’s dreamof marrying a rich man novel

Shattered my sister’s dreamof marrying a rich man novel

Status: Ongoing


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