- 2.
My blatant ass–kissing clearly boosted Crystal’s
ego. She snorted, “Mom and Dad are right,
you’re destined to be a servant. Here I am,
about to be filthy rich, and all you can think
about is being someone’s employee.”
Just then, I could hear Blake Sterling’s voice
outside in the hall.
Crystal’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. She
jumped up, ready to make her grand entrance.
She turned back, hissing, “You stay here. Don’t
you dare ruin this for me.”
We were identical twins. She was afraid I’d
steal Blake’s attention.
But she didn’t need to worry. The last thing I
wanted was to get anywhere near that situation.
I didn’t want to be in the way if and when
karma came to strike her.
But then Crystal gave a low giggle. “Actually,
your face doesn’t matter.”
Her tone made it clear what she meant.
We looked alike, but I wasn’t as physically
attractive as her. Crystal took our same
features, and was like my face, but amped up
to the max.
She was pretty, I was…not.
Crystal sashayed out, and a minute later I heard
her “comforting” Blake, putting on this fake,
breathy voice that made me want to gag.
Having just given blood, I wasn’t feeling great,
so I curled up and took a nap.
When I woke up, the hallway was silent.
I checked the time and decided to head home.
The elevator seemed to be broken, so I went to
the stairs.
I had barely stepped into the stairwell when I
heard Blake and his assistant talking.
“Sir, Mrs. Sterling’s phone was pinging from the
hospital, and now it’s moved away.”
I froze, holding my breath.
Luckily, neither of them noticed me.
Blake’s voice was like ice. “Investigate
discreetly. Keep the cops out of it.”
“Bethany would never be caught dead in that
kind of neighborhood. Something’s off. This
Crystal girl is too convenient. Start with her.”
“If I find out someone hurt Bethany, I’ll make
sure their entire family pays.”
I shivered.
Rumor had it that before Blake Sterling became a CEO, he was a street brawler, even did time
in prison.
Terrified, I hurried home. As I walked through the front door, I heard Crystal and my parents laughing.
Mom, fussing over Crystal’s “sacrifice,” buying her tons of supplements to replenish her blood.
Crystal waved it off. “You gotta crack a few eggs to make an omelet. The medical expenses are just to stay in touch with Blake.”
Dad sighed. “Giving the money would’ve been enough. Why give blood? You’re a O neg. How long before you replenish it?”
“Well, that’s how Bethany is dead now.” Crystal smiled slyly. “I already found out that Bethany
has a mango allergy. I ate a bunch of mangoes
before donating blood. She’s dead.”
Soon, the three of them started daydreaming
about Crystal’s future as a trophy wife. I made
a point of walking into the living room, pointing
at Crystal, and demanded to know how she
could’ve done such a thing.
Seeing me, the three went silent.
I grabbed Crystal’s hand and feigned walking
out. “It’s not too late to confess.”
Crystal pushed me away, telling me, “Janice,
you’re crazy. My plan is seamless. There are no
cameras. The car’s gone. No one will suspect a
I frowned at her. “Do you think rich people are
as dumb as you are? Bethany Sterling is a
socialite, what was she doing in the bad side of
town? And all those witnesses? And finding a
reporter to cover this? You’re so stupid.”
Crystal hesitated, but was quick to recover her
posture. “No one will ever trace it back to me.
Janice, you’re this worked up. Are you jealous?”
“I’m worried you’re gonna ruin this family. If you
don’t turn yourself in, I’m calling the cops.”
I no sooner finished that sentence than my hair
was grabbed from behind.
Dad yanked me back, kicking me in the knees.
I cried out and fell to the floor, but he wouldn’t
let up, smacking me in the face. “Your sister is
doing this for this family. And you’re going to
call the cops? I should have choked you when
you were a baby.”
Mom cheered him on. “Hit her again. That one
has to be beaten.”
Crystal crossed her arms and laughed. “Hit her
harder, Dad. Don’t let her ruin everything.”