- 7.
Bethany and I are sisters?!
Hearing this made my heart drop.
Bethany had a sister called White, and that one
went missing a long time ago, and Blake was
now trying to find her.
Since our blood type was so rare, Blake did a
DNA check on every single person who had it.
That was how he found me.
Blake pulled through with so many doctors,
trying to make her live, and it worked.
He faked her death, just so Crystal would show
her true colors.
After hearing all of this, I was shocked.
Turns out, my name is White, and I have a
“Hey, I want you to do me a favor. I know this is
how you wanted to say things to me,” Blake
started. “But Bethany hasn’t waken up, and is
trying to find her, and I need you to…”
“I’ll call the police,” White shouted.
Even if Bethany was out, she didn’t reply.
I took a picture with her, and asked Blake to let
me see him.
Blake was crying.
“Sorry for telling you,” White apologized.
Blake replied, “It’s fine, I was going to tell you
With all of this, the two were having a great
The whole point was, everything seemed to
work out.
Song was standing outside, enjoying his day.
“Are the two getting along?”
He smiled. “The two have finally met. How
“Thanks,” I said
A moment after, I asked. “What ever happened
to the family who was causing problems?”
I gave a blank face, and wondered what it was.
“If Bethany hadn’t made it, they wouldn’t have.”
Later, the parents didn’t die, but were injured
for life.
They were just sent to a farm.
The news made its way to social media.
Crystal made all of this, and her name was destroyed.
While everyone was upset about her, she escaped.
Some said she escaped the country, some said
she died.
Song didn’t even care, and said it was
something to forget.
Turns out, Crystal never left.
Crystal would be staying there, for a long time.
Blake will always do the thing for the love of his
The thing was, she wasn’t going to escape, she would continue to suffer, with no way out.
Bethany, you can’t believe the two got to meet.
White and her sister went back to their original family.
From that day on, I’ll get the chance to let
Crystal know, how successful I have become.
Song said, “I’ll make sure she gets your
I know, Crystal won’t make it.
The end.