- 4.
She sputtered, speechless.
Finally, she grabbed her phone and called
John. “Daddy, can you send me some money?
I want to go out to dinner!”
“That old witch is crazy! She didn’t make
dinner, ordered takeout for herself, and said
she’s not taking care of me anymore!”
“Really? You’re on your way? Yay! I’ll wait for
you, Daddy!”
She hung up, beaming. “Dad’s landing soon.
He’s bringing me takeout!”
“See how generous he is? And look at you! I
don’t know why Dad ever married you.”
“Old and ugly, with a crappy job, wearing
rags…you’re worse than a cleaning lady…”
I couldn’t help but smile bitterly.
My job used to be demanding, long hours,
good pay.
After Lily was born, I requested a transfer to
a lower–paying position with shorter hours so
I could be home for dinner.
From kindergarten until now, over a decade
of sacrifice.
And in her eyes, it was worthless.
I shook my head, focusing on my food.
It felt strange, eating alone. Peaceful
By the time I finished, Lily was practically
gnawing on the table leg. John finally arrived,
suitcase in tow.
Lily launched herself at him.
“Daddy, you’re home!”
“That old woman is insane! She wouldn’t feed
me! I’m starving!”
John shot me a disgusted look, patting Lily’s
head. “Don’t worry, sweetie. Let’s ignore her.
Here, eat this.”
“I picked these up on the way. Your favorite
pork and preserved egg dumplings. Eat them
while they’re hot.”
red a $10 container of dumplings on
He placed a $10 container of dumplings on
the table.
“Wow, thanks, Daddy! I love you the most!”
Lily squealed.
I almost laughed.
“Picked up on the way.” He probably bought
them at the corner store.
John was cheap, never spending money on
- us.
His mistress, on the other hand, received
designer clothes, handbags, cosmetics, and a
luxury car without a second thought.
Whenever he spent a penny on Lily, he’d milk
it for all it was worth. maximizing the
emotional impact of his “generosity.”
And Lily, bless her heart, fell for it every time.
Like her sixteenth birthday. He gifted her an
$8.80 in–game skin.
He claimed he’d spent hours choosing it,
knowing how much she loved the game. She
was ecstatic, showering him with affection.
Meanwhile, the $10,000 piano sat untouched,
a symbol of my oppression.
While Lily devoured her dumplings, I called
John over to the coffee table.
He frowned. “What is it? I need to unpack. I
have work to do.”
He couldn’t even stand to talk to me
anymore, afraid I’d ask for money for piano
I sighed, handing him the divorce agreement.
“John, let’s get a divorce.”