Suicide Chapter 3

Suicide Chapter 3

Old man, you talking to me?One of the thugs 

shoved my dad to the ground. Watch your 


I kicked him. Touch my dad again and see what happens.” 

Then everything went black. Two of them 

grabbed me from behind, slamming me into the 


The hospital erupted in chaos. Security guards 

arrived, pulling us apart. I gasped for breath

adrenaline coursing through me. I wanted to 

tear them apart

Brittany’s dad straightened his collar, sneered

My daughter’s top of her class. Your 

daughter’s nothing. We beat her up, so what

The law will do what it does, we’ll pay what we 

have to. Even if she goes to juvie, I can make 

that disappear overnight. You’re not getting

dime out of me. Suicide? Good riddance.” 

The principal stood there, watching, his face 

cold. He turned and walked away

Lily woke up

She reached out, gently touched my lip. It was bleeding, I hadn’t noticed

Brother,she whispered, tears in her eyes. Am I causing you trouble?” 

I squeezed her hand. “You’re never trouble.” 

Brother, don’t fight anymore. II can quit 


Lily,I said, if we have to constantly give way to bad people, then we’re pushing good people 

off a cliff. I will get justice for you. We are not 

the ones who should be hiding.” 

But Brother, they” 

Do you trust me?” 

Lily looked at me, nodded fiercely. She always 


Pinky swear,I said. Pinky swears are 


A plan, cold and sharp, formed in my mind.

shivered with excitement

I’d never broken a pinky swear to Lily. Never 


Later, after Lily fell asleep, I called my 

roommate, Alex. He was rich, the only one

could think of who could help

What’s up, old man?” 

I swallowed the urge to curse him out. I need 

to borrow some money.” 

Sure, how much?” 

Three hundred thousand.” 

What?!His voice shot up. You get caught 

with a hooker or something?” 

This is serious, Alex. I need it. I’ll pay you 


It’s not about the money.He paused. “Give 

me your address.” 

I told him. He grunted and hung up. My heart 

sank. Alex was a crucial part of my plan. I’d 

never doubted our friendship

The worry lasted until the next morning

Alex, in a suit and sunglasses, stood on my 

doorstep, looking ridiculously smug

Domn duda Vou ruchod homo to ant your 200 

Damn, dude. You rushed home to get your ass 

kicked?He surveyed my bruised and battered 

face. Seriously, did you get caught with 

someone’s wife?” 

He could never resist a jab

I told him what happened

His face darkened as I spoke

You should’ve called me! I would’ve come with 

you! I’d have ripped their heads off!” 

I waved him off. Never mind that. Did you bring the money?” 

In the car.He led me to a sleek black SUV

Two huge guys sat inside. I had a feeling 

something was up. Borrowed a couple of guys from my dad’s security team. Excage fighters, check out the muscles!He grinned. Pretty 

solid, right?” 

Beyond solid.” 

Those the two?Alex pointed through the car 

window at two girls walking down the street

I recognized Brittany’s sidekicks. I nodded

Alright, boys, showtime.” 

The two giants hopped out, holding flyers. They 

approached the girls with practiced smiles

Grand opening sale! Latest iPhone, only 

ninetynine bucks with student ID. Ladies


The girls hesitated

We’re also doing a free raffle inside. Come try 

your luck!” 

That did it. The promise of free stuff was too 

tempting. They followed eagerly

We led them through a maze of backstreets 

and alleys. They entered a storefront. The metal gate slammed down behind them

I sat in the center of the room, a smile 

spreading across my face as their expressions 

shifted from excitement to terror

What is this? What are you doing?!” 

What am I doing?I pulled out a butcher knife

the polished blade flashing in the dim light

What do you think I’m doing?” 

They backed away, until they hit the wall


You kill us, you’ll go to jail!one of them shrieked. You’ll go to jail!” 

I shrugged. One for two. Seems like a fair 


You!The realization that I was serious hit 

them. They screamed

Help! Someone! Help!!” 

I let them scream

After about three minutes, their voices hoarse

their hope gone, they broke

Don’t kill me! Brittany made us do it! We 

didn’t want to hurt Lily! She said she’d get us if 

we didn’t! Please, I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” 

They knelt at my feet, clutching my legs.

kicked them away

Save it for the devil.” 

I raised the knife



The blade slammed into the wall, sending 

sparks flying

A pungent smell filled the air

They’d wet themselves

Alex strolled out from the back room, yawning 


What’s all the racket, Jake? What are you 

doing?He saw the knife in my hand. Whoa

you going to whack them?” 

I glared at him. Stay out of this.” 

He grabbed the knife from my hand. “We 

agreed, we’re keeping them alive, remember?” 

He nudged the whimpering girls with his foot

Hey, you guys minors?” 

They saw a flicker of hope in his eyes and 

nodded frantically

Yes, sir! We’re minors!” 

Alex smiled. Good. Minorsorgans fetch

better price.” 

Suicide Novel

Suicide Novel

Status: Ongoing


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