Betrayal in the Pool
“Honey!” Jake’s scream was like a knife
through the air. I was struggling, trying to swim
up, when Jake jumped in. I reached for him, but
he grabbed Mia and pulled her out, ignoring me.
I realized, he had been calling her Candy.
I sank below the surface. Someone else pulled
me out before I lost consciousness. I was
gasping for air, when I saw Jake with Mia,
looking all distraught.
“It’s okay, little girl, I’ve got you, I’ll never let
anything happen to you!”
I tried to leave but Mia pointed at me, “It’s all
my fault. I accidentally pushed Auntie into the
pool when she was pushing me!”
Jake’s face got angry. “It was an accident,” he
said to her, and then looked at me like he was
about to yell, “You two just need to take it
Mia looked annoyed. Later, Jake pulled me
aside. “You need to stop being jealous of Mia.
It wasn’t nice of you to try and hurt her.”
“I’m in a wheelchair! I can’t believe you think
that” I spat back.
He frowned, “I don’t want to see anything like
that happen again. Mia’s my brother’s kid, I
don’t want anything to happen to her.”
“Okay,” I replied. Jake’s face turned. After I got
out of the water, he didn’t ask how I was. Then
Mia screamed, and he ran to her side.
I went home, and burned all the gifts, photos
and diaries that I had collected with him. I
picked up my walking stick, so it would be
easier for me to leave.
Mia posted a new update, “My uncle is fussing
over me, because I almost drowned. I need to
stay at the hospital for observation.” The video
showed Jake saying, “Just get your tests done,
so I don’t have to worry.”
Jake came home late that night, and Mia came
with him, “She’s scared to be alone, I need her
to stay here a couple nights.”
This wasn’t my home anymore. Jake smelled
the smoke, “What was that burnt smell?”
“Oh, nothing, just got rid of some stuff,” I
Jake scowled, “Don’t burn things in the house,
it’s bad for Mia.”
I nodded. I burned it all.
I had a fever, so I went to bed. Later in the
night, a huge crack of thunder woke me. I
reached for Jake, but he was gone. He was
putting his clothes on, “Mia’s scared of
thunder,” he told me.
I laughed at myself. I was still trying to depend
on him.
I got up and put the signed divorce papers on
the table. Then I called a number. “Come get
me now.”
I was walking by the guest room, when I heard
Mia crying, “You still love me, don’t you? I can
tell you never stopped loving me. Don’t go. Kiss
Mia wrapped her arms around his neck and
kissed him. Jake tried to resist, but then gave in
and kissed her back. A lightning flash lit up
their embrace.