Tiffany’s live show blew up in her face, and
Chase had indirectly slapped her down.
To get her fans back, she posted a public
But her fans weren’t buying it, and some had.
left her too.
She was now getting a taste of her own.
She lost views, even some of her potential
endorsement deals were put on hold.
Mrs. Thompson saw the news and, thrilled.
with the outcome, sent me another million.
“I knew I chose the right one,” she said.
“She’s a firecracker! Just like all the gals
from Texas, buy yourself something nice!”
I was shocked. In the end, Chase was pretty
easy to handle.
He wasn’t as bad as people said he was.
But Chase was being weird. He always hated
wearing glasses, but now wore them
everywhere but when he was in the shower.
He was always stealing glances at me, and
then would turn red when I caught him.
As long as he wasn’t being stubborn, or
calling Tiffany, I left him alone.
One afternoon, we were watching a movie,
when I went to the bathroom. When I came
back, I saw Chase was on the phone.
With Tiffany.
I was so mad, I grabbed the first thing I could
find, a clean sandal, and smacked him on the
back of the head.
He held his head and looked at me, “Why did
you do that? I didn’t do anything!”
I was ready to explode. He had been sneaking
calls behind my back, and was lying about it.
“Oh really, Chase? You think you can talk
back to me now?”
I found a feather duster and was ready to
kick him up and down the stairs! If I didn’t
win, it was going to be my career’s end!