- 13.
The room erupted in cheers and whistles. Even
Wendy was squealing. I didn’t know whether to
take it or not. “Ethan, you’ve already met my
fiancé.” Even if he was fake. “I don’t believe
your taste in men has deteriorated that badly.”
“Just humor me.” “Fine. Even if he is real,”
Ethan leaned in, his voice low in my ear, “then
dump him and come back to me.” His deep voice was like a spell, almost hypnotic. I almost gave in. Almost. Even after all these years, Ethan still had the power to make my heart race. After the ceremony, old classmates dragged me off for drinks. I had a little too much. The next thing I remember, I was sitting in the stairwell, seeking refuge from the noise and celebration. Ethan found me. “What are you doing here?” I turned to him, my lip trembling. I burst into tears. “Ethan, I’m so tired.”