- 18.
“I may have disappeared, but I didn’t lose my
memory,” I said, my voice cold. “You cornered
me in the bathroom after Ethan and I started
dating. Remember what you said?” “You asked
me, ‘How much are you paying Ethan, Maya?“”
Ashley stammered, “I… I don’t remember…”
“Later, someone called Ethan a ‘gigolo‘ to his
face. Don’t you remember that either? That
nasty nickname… it started with you, didn’t it?”
“No, that’s not true! You’re making things up.”
“I wonder what your fans would think if they
knew their favorite celebrity bullied her
classmates?” “Maya!” Ashley shrieked. “You’re
the one spreading lies now!” “Oh? Should I get
a few classmates to corroborate my story?”
She deflated. “Please, Maya. I’ll give you
whatever you want, just don’t talk about this anymore. And don’t tell Ethan. I was young and stupid, I hurt him, I know. But I really like him
now. I can make it up to him.” “You think you
only hurt him?” I shook my head. “Ashley, you
hurt me too.” “Then I apologize!” she cried, her
voice desperate. “Please, Maya. Don’t tell
Ethan. Don’t ruin things between us…”
Suddenly, the curtain to the examination room
was pulled back. Ethan stood in the doorway.
He looked like he’d been there for a while.