Claire and I finally had our wedding.
Local politicians came to the wedding.
A year later, my company was doing well.
My e–commerce company in Boston made
I was going to be a billionaire.
Then, I heard about Amy.
She turned on the gas and killed herself and
My mom said that Amy was getting better.
She just needed to stay with her parents.
But she was always crying.
Jake abused her and used her like a slave.
One night, Amy turned on the gas and killed
herself and Jake.
It was like she went back just to die.
Amy’s parents were heartbroken.
They found a letter Amy wrote to me and
gave it to me.
I opened the letter.
“Tom, your wife is beautiful. You’re perfect
for each other. You’ll be happy.
“I always wondered, if I’d gone to college with
you, would things be different?
“I dreamed about marrying you. I’m sorry for
being stupid when I was young. You were the
only one.
“If there’s a next life, I won’t leave you. I want
to see you smile at me again.”
The letter was a mess.
I stood by the window, looking at the sky.
The flowers should be in bloom.
Would they be as beautiful as they used to
Claire came over and hugged me.
“What are you thinking about?”
“The flowers. They’re really pretty,” I said.
“Let’s go see them. Let’s take Thomas,”
Claire said.
I thought about it.
What was there to think about?
The old was gone. The new was here.
Let’s go see them.