the smoke in his face.
“The show’s just starting, Principal. Don’t rush
“William Smith, 44 years old, didn’t graduate
high school. Used to be a bricklayer, then
worked construction. Got caught selling
materials he stole. Then he worked in a
factory for ten years. Just a small–time
Mark slapped the table. “What’s he think he’s
I smiled. “Her mom is with her all the time
now, dropping her off and picking her up.
Looks like he was really scared.”
Mark said, “He should be. I heard the two
chicks pissed their pants so bad they’re still
messed up.”
The musclehead came in. “We took care of it,
“That fast?” I was surprised.
“What do you think?” Mark said. “You’re
tossing 30K out there. What casino wouldn’t
kiss your ass?”