William was cautious the first time. He only
brought three grand. The casino owner told
him to win 30K.
His eyes went wide.
After that, he kept coming back.
The owner kept letting him win. 50K, 60K,
100K. He even won 150K in one night.
William got bolder, betting a minimum of
I did the math. We were out of money.
I asked the owner, “Aren’t you worried you
won’t get it back?”
The owner smiled. “To get a gambling addict
hooked, you gotta give him a taste of the
good life. This is the good life. After that, it’s
hell. They’ll lose everything.”
A month later, the owner started reeling him.
- in.
William started losing more than he won.
Whenever he ran out of money, the owner
would have him sign a note for 10 or 20K.
Then he would let him win a little so he
wouldn’t think about the debt.
He thought he was winning, not paying
attention to how much he had borrowed.
After another two weeks, William had a ton of
notes. Almost a million dollars.
And he had only won about 200K.
It was my turn.