The Woman in Fornt of Him Chapter 83

The Woman in Fornt of Him Chapter 83

Chapter 83 


I sat there, staring at her. ¿ia was asleep, her bucalling skene and steady, her body courled against mine

The Blanket was nine tucked around her, but she was still so clone. Irmulibu’i pull away, nor after I mosle love to her

She had been exhausted, falling asleep right on topal sur. I had wanted to keep her like that, wanted to keep myself buried deep inside her, but 1 dasd to pull out

moreneeded more of her 

Ilusal to let her sleep, rentgh every part of the wanted to bold her feet her next to me, never letting go. I wanted more bly became that’s what made nie feel alive nude me feel that she was still witlime and this was not a derain

I sighed. She was peaceful now I watched the calm rise and call at her chest beneath the blanket

I couldn’t remember the last none Lund felt like this, it was quiet. No chaos, no demands, just her, here with ine

And then, her wonderame luck to haini mie. Towe your 

My hand which was traching out for her hair trage midan. My heart skapquest a beat like it had forgonen its rington

Love! How the hell could she køve nje? Alter eceiving Fhad done to her. Had hairther Tomlierapan. Dud door nothing but push her away

-I couldn’t even mark her. I couldn’t make her mune, Lcouldn’t let anyone know she was my mate 

with everything else going on 

When she got hirt, I cosblu’t even take revenge because my weakness would love shown. Because the world would have found out how much

She was saying that sdie loved an asslinde like newouurune aburhal only ever lunight her paint

How could she 

1 stroked her cheek, watching the way she ficcallied so easily, right next to me

Traned down slowly, pressing a soft 

of kiss to her forehead, I stayed there a moment, inhuling her scent, and leating it settle in my chest

There was a warmth spreading through nur that I couldn’t shake. I found peace, found her 

But still, those marks on her chest- -those fucking inaks- -set my blood on fire. They didn’t belong there. Not on her. Not when it was my bruther who had put them there 

1fch the burn, the ache, deep in my gat. But there was a strange relief, 100

Dwas relieved that it was Darius adus took him. Not someone else. If i had be 

been anyone ebe, I didn’t know what I would have done

She told me. Darius had not pushed her limits. It was the only thread keeping me sane right now

1 sighed, letting the frustration wash over me. The door opened, and I turned my head in that direction. Darius stood in the doorway, his eyes cold, like he was ready for a belu

Tinet his gaze with a glate, the same old tension rising. We couldn’t want to tear each other apart

You need to get your people off my property Darius said, his voice feme 

I scoffed. I didn’t care what he had to say about my people on his property. I was not going anywhere and it meant my people wouldn’t go 

anyuliere rathe 

But before I could say anything back, Lbrand Zia stir in her sleep, a soft whimper slipping from her lips. My hear twisted, and the anger that had hern irwing made me died down instantly

1t 1 fanight with Darius right now, she would wake up i gritted my jaw and looked back at Darius 

Dreame Read Romance… 



Chapter 53 

mindlinked Aaron · Leave Darsestate and s

I wait outside with the warriors

You want me to leave you here! AloneHe woted right as 

Do you have any doubt that I can’t deal with this fuck 

set| hissed, anger rising to the surface 

He didn’t reply, but I could sense hum gambling and leading our men out 

hiked and focused on Darius who was watching me D’s done. They are moving in 

Darias raised an eyebrow. He was surprised because I backed out I was surprised, too, because unil a few weeks ago, I would have murdered this fucker on sight instead of tolerating him this long and even listening to his demands

Tartus smirked. This ttle girl really has you on a leas 

I growled, deep in my chest. It was a warming for him to stay in his lane. My blood was boiling. My control was so close to slipping. Ban before 1 could hange at him and ng him ajan

Ash touch. Za’s hand rested gently on my that her voice coming out in

caut in a sleepy murmur 

My breath caught in my throat. I didn’t want to go anywhere any more. I didn’t want to leave her not when she was so vulnerable. Not when she was restless in her deep because she feared I might end Darus while she was out

I brushed her hair back and whispered to her I am not leaving 21. I am right here. Watch you 

1 turned back to Darius. He was still watching me but he had a strange look on his face now. ti made ne stiffen. The look was almost like lie felt = -belpless 

Why would he

Prepare a peace treaty- 

I said my voice low, almost reluctani. 1 will consider it. In return, find me a way to get rid of this band an her wind

Damas free, narrowing his eyes at me. He sneered like he did’t care anymore about what he was begging for, before 

You didn’t care about the peace treaty when I asked- He and his voice dripping with didam You didn’t care when Mom or I asked, when your family asked. But now? Now, you are because of her!” 

My voice dropped to a dangerous level Darua, you are not my 

are not my family. She is 

A butter look spread across his face, wiping off the previous traces of helplessness 

I pointed to Zia nonchalantly. And the mother who took my right to make my true family! She is not my mother eber. She is worse than an enemy. You all are 

Darius stared at me for a moment as if he wanted to say something. But then, he turned around, and stormed away, muttering something under his breath 

One day, you will realize who your real family is” 

I didn’t respond. I didn’t need to. They had always med to make a fool out of me, trying to tell me that I was family while keeping the knife stabbed in tray guts at the same time 

If they could not give me one thing that I wanted the most. I didn’t want to play house with them either 

I glanced at Zia’s peaceful face and pressed a kiss so her pouting lips. Besides, maybe this girl was enough for me



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The Woman in Fornt of Him

The Woman in Fornt of Him

Status: Ongoing


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