Time does not betray deep love Ch 1

Time does not betray deep love Ch 1

Time does not betray deep love 


  1. 1

My boyfriend has amnesia

But he only forgot me

He’s faking it

I haven’t called him on it yet

Our marriage certificate’s now a divorce 


But get this: three days later, the wedding

spent a freakinmonth planning is still 



Same groom, different bride

It’s his onagain, offagain ex

Next time I see him, he’s grabbing my arm, all 

worked up. Sarah, where the hell have you 

been? Why haven’t you called?” 

I play it cool, like I don’t know him from 

Adam, and give him the sideeye. Excuse 

me, mister, do I know you?” 

Sarah, sign the damn papers.” 

That’s Mark speaking. Short, sweet, and to 

the point. 

keen my mouth shut 


I keep my mouth shut

He doesn’t need my permission, so he hangs 

  1. up

Mark is my boyfriend

He lost his memory

And the first thing he did after waking up was 

call me and demand a divorce

We got married in the morning, and by 

afternoon, it’s like it never happened

I get to the courthouse and Mark isn’t alone

He’s got his arm around some chick I know 

all too well


It’s his ex, Ashley, who he’s broken up and 

gotten back together with like five times

That is, until I came along

Now, Mark doesn’t remember me

And she’s back in the picture

Ashley’s smile disappears when she sees me

She stammers, Sarah, it’s not what you 

think. Mark and I are just” 

She tightens her grip on his arm, like that 

says it all

Mark grabs her hand, real possessive, and 

says, I asked Ashley to come with me. Don’t 

get the wrong idea, she’s my girlfriend.” 

My heart just did a faceplant

I catch Ashley giving me a look, like she’s 

won the lottery, and I just nod, numb

The divorce line isn’t too long

The clerk gives me this weird look when she 

sees me

She remembers us from this morning, getting 

our marriage license

She even said, Congrats, may you have

long and happy life together!” 

Now here we are, hours later

And Ashley’s on Mark’s arm, not me

I’m standing there, all alone

The clerk purses her lips, looking from one of 

us to the other

After a long pause, she says, This isn’t how 

it works.” 

Mark’s getting impatient

He’s got to get this done

He makes a phone call

Next thing I know, I’m holding the divorce 



I give a little laugh, but it’s pretty bitter

Ashley pretends to be considerate. Now that 

you’re divorced, you’re not still planning on 

living at Mark’s place, right?” 

She tries to look sympathetic. “Oh, I know 

you don’t have anywhere else to go. But you 

were married, so if you want to crash there 

for a few days, Mark probably wouldn’t say 



Mark cuts her off, cold as ice. You’re 

divorced now. You need to move out today.” 

His tone is cruel, and it’s like he thinks he’s 

right to say it

It’s like he’s not the one playing pretend

My throat tightens up

I stare at the bright red divorce papers in my 


Is that why he’s faking the amnesia


I’m not some clingy psycho

If he wants a divorce, I’m not going to beg 

him to stay with me

It’s a joke that five years together is worth 

nothing more than this crappy ending

I take a deep breath. Fine.” 

Time does not betray deep love

Time does not betray deep love

Status: Ongoing


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