Time does not betray deep love Ch 8

Time does not betray deep love Ch 8
  1. 8

I plan weddings

I’ve seen it all

by Lolwave kent my cool around 

That’s why I always kept my cool around 


The only time I lost it was when Mark said he 

had amnesia and wanted a divorce

I knew he was faking

It was a trick

But I still lost it

I saw it in his eyes

He was happy to see me fall apart

It’s like he wanted me to be weak, to prove

loved him

That’s pathetic

Is he in elementary school

He disrespects girls so they prove they love 


This isn’t love, it’s playing with me

He doesn’t deserve me

I keep pushing Mark away

But he keeps showing up

Every time I act cruel, he looks sad

But the next day, he’s back

One night, I’m looking at food videos online

and I feel hungry, so I post about it on social 

I write: I wish I could eat this

Thirty minutes later, someone knocks on the 


It’s Mark, covered in sweat

He has the food I posted about in his hands

He must have gone to a bunch of places in 

the middle of the night to find it

But he doesn’t say anything about how hard 

he worked

He just hands me the food and says, Sarah

you wanted this, right? I got it for you.’ 

I don’t look happy. I look angry. 



I push his hand away and yell, Are you doing this on purpose? You know I’m trying to lose 

weight, and you bring me this food late at 

night. Why do you always make things 


I slam the door

Then I open it again

Mark looks like he’s been given a new lease 

on life, his eyes are shining

He asks, Sarah, do you want it now?” 

I laugh. Get lost. Don’t look at my social 


I call him every name in the book


I slam the door again and block him

He can’t contact me, so he does what he 

always does: he waits outside my apartment 

and my office

A few times, I hear him on the phone outside 

my door

Ashley’s yelling at him on the phone

His assistant keeps sending him messages

telling him to come back to work

He’s the boss of the company

He hasn’t been there for a while, and it’s 

causing problems

The shareholders are getting annoyed

He doesn’t know what to do

I thought he would give up

But he doesn’t

I open the door, and he’s still there

He looks tired, and his face has stubble

He has dark circles under his eyes

I call the cops

They hold him for a few days, but when he 

gets out, he’s back at it


I say, You’re a CEO of a big company, why 

do you want to be known as a stalker? How 

can you be so pathetic?” 

Mark bites his lip

He doesn’t say anything, but you can tell he’s 

not giving up

I’m done with this game

I cross my arms and look down at him. What 

do you want? What will it take for you to 

leave me alone?” 

Time does not betray deep love

Time does not betray deep love

Status: Ongoing


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