Part 16
I tried to reason with him. “I’m serious… you
should find someone else. With your looks and your money, you could easily find someone a hundred times better than me.”
“No!” he said stubbornly. “I’m a loyal wolf. I only like one person in my entire life. I’m not changing my mind. If you don’t like me, I’ll just
make you like me.”
He fumbled in his pocket and pulled out a black credit card with a gold trim. He pressed it into my hand. “Here. Unlimited. Spend whatever you want. Now that I’ve given you money, you can’t
kick me out.”
I was silent for a moment. Then I patted his
I was silent for a moment. Then I patted his
arm. “Turn around.”
“Why?” he asked, but obediently turned his
back to me.
“Put your tail away.”
“Okay.” I swallowed, my hand reaching for the
back of his suit pants. I noticed they were
specially designed, not completely sewn shut,
just two overlapping pieces of fabric. My hand
trembled as I pulled the fabric apart, revealing
“Aoooo!” he whimpered. “Baby, it’s too
cramped here. Let’s go to the bed, okay?”
“…Shut up!” I pulled my hand back, feigning
nonchalance. “I was just curious how you could
let your tail out while wearing a suit. Are all your
suits like this? Do you wear them like this in
“Of course not.” He let his tail out again,
rubbing the furry tip against my palm. “Only for
you, baby.”