support you! I’ll always be your biggest
supporter. Whenever you turn around, I’ll be
I choked, speechless. Who taught him to act
like this? He’d gone from a proud, arrogant
wolf to a… manipulative, lovesick puppy.
“You don’t have to do this,” I sighed. “It’s just
a meeting. I’ll be back soon. Save the food for
I popped a strawberry from the cake into my
mouth. “The strawberries are really sweet.
Thank you.”
Part 18
When I arrived at the office, I realized why my
boss was so frantic. The Grey family had sent
representatives to discuss a collaboration, and
they specifically requested our team. Ethan’s
ölder brother, the future head of the Grey
family, was also there.
He was much more composed than his younger
brother, impeccably dressed in a suit, his face
an impassive mask, an air of aloofness
surrounding him. After I finished the
presentation, he remained silent for a moment,
then pointed at me. “You stay. Everyone else,
He tapped his finger on the desk, waiting for
the room to empty before asking bluntly, “Ms.
Evans, do you like my brother?”
I hesitated, then said softly, “I’m not ready to
start a family with a werewolf, I’m sorry.”
“No need to apologize. I understand.” He
nodded knowingly. “The problem is, he likes
you. He’s chosen you as his mate. Werewolves
have a mating season every year, and it’s very
difficult for them to cope without their mate’s
scent. I’d like to offer you a contract. Even if
you don’t like him, you would agree to be with
him during his mating season each year. I’ll
compensate you accordingly.”
‘…Actually, I have a question.” I finally voiced
the question that had been bothering me. “If
werewolves need their mates so much, and they
can’t change mates… what happens if their
chosen mate dies?”
Alexander Grey smiled faintly. “You seem to
underestimate the importance of a mate to a
werewolf. In our culture, if a mate dies, the
werewolf will carry their mate’s body to the
mountains, find a cave, and wait to die.
Essentially, once a werewolf chooses a mate,
they’re putting their life in that person’s