Part 8
“I don’t like you. I touched you because I
thought you were a… canine. I didn’t know how
werewolves define ‘mate,‘ but in the human
world, hugs and touches don’t establish a relationship.” I told him bluntly, “I’ll get a
commission from that project. Consider it
payment for all the food you ate at my place.
We’re even now. I don’t like you. I don’t want to be your mate. Please don’t do anything weird
again. Goodbye… actually, let’s make it never
see you again.‘
I grabbed Buddy’s leash and left, walking
quickly, eager to get away from this strange
He didn’t follow.
I breathed a sigh of relief.
Back home, I made Buddy some beef, tofu, and bok choy soup with a side of kibble. I watched him lick the bowl clean, my heart aching. “That bad werewolf made you go hungry all day,” I
murmured, stroking his head. “Next time we see
him, we’ll bite him, okay?”
Buddy grinned and lifted his paw for a high five.
That night, I was half–asleep when I felt
something furry nuzzling my chin. Thinking it
was Buddy, I pushed it away reflexively. “Buddy,
don’t bother Mommy.”
The furry thing paused, then nuzzled even
harder, its tongue licking my neck. Over and
over, the wet, warm sensation sent shivers down my spine.
I opened my eyes and stared straight into a pair of dark, narrow eyes. They stared back at me
intently, as if wanting to devour me.
It was the werewolf.