Frank was yelling through the speaker,
“I have been almost killed and you think I did
Frank laughed.
“I didn’t do anything to stop it, but you still
made my life hard. I loved Lily more than you,
and you destroyed my dreams.”
“And my family and I are nothing?”
I was done.
“You are going to rot in hell,” he answered
back. “I had no choice.”
The door to the room burst open.
“Stop with the nonsense, you almost destroyed
this room!”
It was my dad and now I was mad.
“What?” I asked.
I could see Frank shake on the phone.
“Why is she so evil? You are destroying my
“The blood did not take to Lily. She has
“Who is dead?”
I heard Frank yell out.
“Why would I care about her? You used my
blood, now you are mad at me? Get the hell out
of here!”
I said that I was going to hang up and my dad
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started to yell. He slapped me.
“I wish you died. You should have been the one
that died.”
“They are going to kill you. I just got hurt here!”
He twisted my throat.
“You should die. You are an awful person, you
know? I will hurt you.”
My dad was starting to choke me.
Frank grabbed my face and looked at me hard.
“I do not know what you are talking about, but I
know everything now will be different.”
He moved to hurt me when he was pulled away.
The guards were able to pull him away and they
all took him to prison again. I was beat up and
I pulled some hair from my head and I gave it to
my friend. I called and made sure that I was not
their child.
My mom was charged and held in custody. The
hospital removed my dad from his position, and
Frank was in trouble because so many
customers were returning what he was selling.
I started to go through the world and the days.
People hated me and yelled at me for who I
was, and that was that. But I wanted to know
what was going on with my mom.
“How does this work?”
It happened because I thought they loved me,
and now my family was gone. But I had
something to do!
One day I got a call from my friend. He said
that Frank had been doing something to slander
my mome He said that I killed the baby just to
my name. He said that I killed the baby just to
see my sister die. And now people were
My name was trending online and I was getting
the hit.
“She killed her baby because she wanted to see
her sister die!”
“She planned to do it to stop her sister from
living. How is she still alive? Who gave her the