The interview went viral. #JasonToWed #WillYouComeToTheWedding. His fans went nuts. [@JasonAreYouCrazy chasing you for three years and you’re a hopeless romantic?!] [@OMG who is she?! Making Jason announce marriage at his peak, he must be head over
heels!] [@We slaved over your fan accounts and
you’re just gonna get married? How could you do this to us?!]
When I saw the trending topics, I knew he was
talking to me. Years ago, when we broke up, I’d
jokingly asked him, “If you ever get married, will
you invite me?” He said yes. I just didn’t realize
it would be five years later, with him a
successful actor.
My high school group chat, usually dormant, exploded with the news. [@Jason’s getting married? To who?!] [@No clue, but it sure ain’t gonna be Lynn.] [@Remember when someone dumped him because he was broke? Now he’s raking in millions, I wonder if she regrets it.] I scrolled through the messages, a wave of nostalgia washing over me. A friend had asked me the same thing when Jason’s career first took off. “Jason’s got a ton of fangirls now, two years later, I’m still curious, do you regret it?” I’d laughed it off. “No regrets. His future was more important than our relationship.”
- 2.
(Previous sections
(Previous sections remain the same)
- 5.
(Previous parts of section 5 remain the same)
“Lynn,” he said, his voice thick with emotion.
“How am I supposed to move on? I’ve loved your
for six years, and you’re just going to dismiss it
all with a casual ‘it’s over‘?” His voice cracked.
“That’s not fair. You can’t be this selfish.”
I turned back to him. His eyes were red- rimmed, his voice choked. “Lynn, I can’t move on. I don’t want to move on.” Jason had never begged for anything, not even at his lowest point. I never thought I’d be the one to make him lower his head. Tears welled up in my eyes. “Jason, you can’t be this selfish. You can’t have your old flame and your new love.” I wiped my cheeks. “And I’m not as selfless as you think. I’m not going to be the other woman.”
He looked stunned, as if I’d hit a nerve. “Lynn,
is that what you think of me?” I looked away,
muttering, “You said you were getting married.”
“To whom? The bride didn’t show up, did she?”
Jason retorted. “Lynn, I remember my promise.
I’d become the right person and earn my place.
in your future. Now I want to know, are you.
seeing anyone else? Do you still… love me?”
I burst into tears, unable to hold back any
longer. I threw my arms around his waist. “I love
you.” He cupped my face in his hands and
leaned down so quickly I barely had time to
react. His lips crashed onto mine, a fierce,
desperate kiss. My heart hammered against my
ribs. We kissed for what felt like forever, then
pulled apart, gazing at each other as if we were
the only two people in the world.