You can’t have me back Mr ex Chapter 1

You can’t have me back Mr ex Chapter 1



After five years of marriage, I finally got pregnant.I couldn’t wait to share the good news with Caden

I was looking for Caden as I entered the office building. but I had uneasiness as I moved down the deserted hallways. Where had everyone gone

Excuse me, have you seen Caden?I asked 

Sophia, the new junior marketing specialist, as she was gathering her belongings

Sophia looked at me skeptically. You mean Mr Weston didn’t tell you? He has a huge announcement to make and we are also having a big celebration for the merger.” 

I felt my stomach clench at this news. Caden and I had been married for five years, and in all that time, he had never kept something this big from me. Why 

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wouldn’t he tell me about this

I managed to reply. Oh wow. I was completely clueless.” 

She shot me a puzzled look. I’m surprised you didn’t know about the party, since youre his wife and all. Everyone’s been talking about it all week.” 

I forced a smile. I’ve been busy. Can you tell me where the party is?” 

Sophia nodded. It’s at the Grand Ballroom downtown. But I should warn you, it’s already started. You might want to hurry.” 

I thanked her and watched as she hurried out of the office

I exited the company as well and drove all the way there. When I arrived at the Grand Ballroom, the place was buzzing with activity. Employees were chatting excitedly, champagne flutes in hand

I slipped past the crowd, my eyes searching for Caden. And there he was, standing in 

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the middle of the room, a proud smile on his face. But he wasn’t alone. He was 

holding hands with a woman I knew all too 


Jessica. My exbest friend. I hadn’t seen her in a few months, she had been out of the country for some business

When I saw that her hand was resting, protectively over her swollen belly, my eyes. grew wide in shock.Caden and Jessica. Together. They couldn’t be expecting a baby right

Caden’s eyes met mine, and for a moment, we just stared at each other. I could see the guilt written all over his face

Then from the other side of the room, he spoke loudly. Everyone, thank you for being here today. As you all know, our company has been going through some changes. And I’m pleased to report that we’ve finalized a merger with Jessica’s family company, the Pattersons.” 

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The room exploded in applause, but I just stood there, frozen in shock

And then Caden dropped the bombshell. And I’m also proud to announce that Jessica and I are expecting a child.” 

Everyone started clapping and cheering again, but I felt numb. Caden’s eyes pleaded with me, silently begging me to understand. But I couldn’t. I felt betrayed, hurt and angry

I needed air. I needed to get away from this 


I turned to make my way out of the room, but Caden caught my arm. Anna, wait,he begged in an urgent tone

But I just yanked my arm free and walked away, leaving him standing there, looking guilty and concerned

The hot tears burning my eyes made it difficult to see now as I made my way to the 

balcony as fast as I could. How could he do 

this to me? To us

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My cheeks were burning and the minute I let my tears fall, I felt a hand on my shoulder. With one quick swipe over my face, I wiped at my eyes so the witch couldn’t see me crying

It was Jessica alright, and she was smiling at me, her almond green eyes shining in triumph

Isn’t this wonderful?she cooed, taking a step towards me. Caden and I are going to have a baby. Isn’t that just the best news?” 

How dare you,” I said through gritted. teeth, my voice faltering from all the pain I was feeling. How dare you stand there and rub this in my face!” 

You should be happy for me,she said in a malicious tone. I’m carrying Caden’s child, something you couldn’t do after five years of marriage. You ought to even give me credit.” 

Anger shot through me, but I forced myself to keep my cool. Congratulations, you 

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whore,I said, my voice icy. I’m thrilled for you.” 

She scoffed. I don’t bloody care if you call me names now. I’m just glad I could give Caden what he’s always wanted. Your thought you were so perfect huh?” 

It was obvious now that she has always. been jealous of me

She opened her mouth to say something else, but her words were cut short by a sudden, agonized scream. She fell to the ground suddenly, clutching her stomach in pain

It didn’t take long for Caden and the others to come rushing out

Jessica! What’s wrong?Caden cried in panic, kneeling beside her

I had never seen him that worried over me before. The colors were draining from hist face already. What the hell was happening

You can’t have me back Mr ex novel

You can’t have me back Mr ex novel

Status: Ongoing
You can't have me back Mr ex novel


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