You can’t have me back Mr ex Chapter 12

You can’t have me back Mr ex Chapter 12

Chapter 12 


Everything had been a complete and utter disaster. I couldn’t believe I was sitting here, watching my company crumble all because of that damn Anna. Ever since she left, it had been one crisis after another. The sales numbers were in the tank, and the internet wanted to have my head on a plate

I angrily slammed my fist down on the table, causing my assistant, Kyle to jump. What do you mean we lost another major client?I snarled. This is unacceptable!” 

Kyle shrank back, clearly intimidated by my outburst. II’m sorry, Mr.Weston. The client cited the ongoing drama with Miss. Anna as the reason for their decision. They said they couldn’t risk being associated with a company that’s embroiled in such a public scandal. And now they are saying they do not trust our work anymore.” 

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Chapter 12 


The company’s reputation was in shambles, and no matter how much damage control Jessica tried to do, it just wasn’t enough. And it hurt my ego that Anna had divorced me just like that

I had no other choice than to sign her stupid papers the other day and now I was wondering if it was even worth it at all

Damn it!I shouted, pounding my fist on the table again sending some players flying. This is all her fault. If she had just stayed out of my way, none of this would have happened.” 

Kyle cleared his throat nervously. Well, sir, if I may make a suggestionPerhaps it would be a good idea to try and bring Miss Anna back. She was the one who came up with a lot of the innovative ideas that made this company so successful in the first place. And with her gone, it’s clear we’re struggling to keep up.” 

As much as I hated to agree, he was right. Anna had been the driving force behind

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Chapter 12 

lot of our biggest successes. And now that she was gone, the company was 

floundering. I couldn’t afford to lose. everything I had built, not after coming 

this far

You know, you might actually be onto something,I replied thoughtfully, leaning back in my chair. Anna was always the brains behind this operation. And as much as it pains me to say it, we need her back if we’re going to turn this ship around.” 

Kyle nodded. Exactly, sir. And with Nate always hanging around her, it’s clear they’ve got something going on. If you can convince Miss Anna to come back, maybe you can even get her to ditch him in the process.” 

I felt my blood boil suddenly at the mention of Nate. That bastard had been a thorn in my side ever since he had found his way into Anna’s life. I couldn’t stand the thought of him cozying up to my exwife, acting all chivalrous and heroic. It was 

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Chapter 12 

infuriating. And one, just one day I was. going to deal with him personally

You’re right,I growled, my palms curving into fists. That Nate is a problem. I can’t stand the way he’s been following Anna around, acting like some kind of white. knight. It’s disgusting.” 

Well technically she was no longer mine. but I hated the fact that it hurt. It affected 

me more than I chose to let on and I didn’t even understand why

Then why don’t you try talking to her Mr Weston? See if you can convince her to come back. I bet if you apologize and promise to give her more control, she would surely come back. And then you can show Nate Powers who is boss.” 

I didn’t divorce Anna immediately, even after everything that’s happened because I knew she was very important to me

Anyway I was gonna do whatever it takes to get her back surely

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Chapter 12 

Just then, the door to my office burst open and Jessica swept in, her hips swaying seductively. She cat walked over to me, her hands coming to rest on my shoulders as she began to massage them. I ordered Kyle out with a nod of my head and he was out in a second

Caden, darling, I can’t stand to see you so worked up,she said sounding all sweet. Don’t let that little nobody Anna get you down. As long as our companies are collaborating, you have nothing to worry 


I ran a hand through my hair, the strands feeling brittle and unkempt. It’s not just about that. People won’t stop dragging me on social media, calling me a cheater and a thief. They’re saying I stole her work, that I’m a pathetic excuse for a man.” 

Jessica made a sympathetic noise. I know, it’s been a real mess. But you can’t let it get to you, Caden. You have to rise above it. I mean a few people have dragged me too as 


Chapter 12 

the mistress but I dont even care.” 

I snorted derisively. Rise above it? How the hell am I supposed to do that when every time I turn around, there’s another rumor or accusation being thrown my way?” 

She started massaging my shoulders again casually

I said relax. How about you just focus on me so you can feel better right now?” 

I felt my muscles tense under her touch, my irritation with the whole situation only growing. Jessica, I’m really not in the mood for this right now,I snapped, shrugging her hands off my shoulders. We’ve got a lot of pressing issues to deal with, and I don’t have time for your games.” 

She drew back, creasing her forehead

Games? What are you talking about, Caden? I’m just trying to help you. And besides, when are we going to get around. to making our arrangement a little. moreofficial? I mean you and Anna just

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Chapter 12 

got divorced right?She leaned in again, her lips nearly grazing my cheek

I pulled away, my frustration already reaching the edge. Jessica, now is not the time to be talking about marriage. We have a company to save, and that’s the only thing I’m focused on right now.” 

Do not tell me you’re choosing that witch Anna over me after everything I’ve done for you. Do you still love her, Caden? Is that it? After all the pain she’s caused you, you still can’t let her go?” 

You can’t have me back Mr ex novel

You can’t have me back Mr ex novel

Status: Ongoing
You can't have me back Mr ex novel


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