Chapter 4
Anna’s POV
Jessica immediately jumped in, trying to dab at the stain with her handkerchief. And Caden just glared at me with this icy fury in his eyes.
“Do you have any idea how much this Shirt cost?” he snapped. I was so caught off guard, I just blurted out, “No, and I don’t
Honestly, the man had more money than
sense sometimes. Most of his shirts cost
over three thousand dollars each. I mean, who spent that much on a single piece of clothing?
“I think you should apologize to Caden right now,” Jessica spoke, and I wanted to slap the living daylights out of her.
“Why don’t you apologize to him yourself?” I said curtly, my grip tightening on my purse. “If he cares more about his stupid.
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Chapter 4
shirt than me, then that’s his problem.”
Without another word, I stormed out of the restaurant, leaving the two of them staring after me in stunned silence. I needed to get out of there before I said or did something I would really regret.
As I was rushing out of the restaurant, my phone started ringing. Of course, it was my dear mother. I swear, that woman had the worst timing. But I swiped to answer, feeling the tears start to well up in my eyes.
“Anna, darling, what’s wrong?” my mom said, her voice laced with that fake concern she always put on.
I took a shaky breath before blurting out, “I want a divorce, Mom. I can’t do this
There was a long, heavy silence on the
other end of the line. Then her tone
shifted, suddenly sharp and accusatory.
“Divorce? What on earth are you talking about? How can you even consider
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hrowing away everything we’ve worked or?” She snapped.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. ‘Everything you‘ ve worked for?” I
retorted. “Mom, Caden cheated on me! He got my best friend pregnant, and he doesn’t even want me anymore. He’s trying to take away my position in the company!”
But my mother just scoffed. “Oh, Anna, you silly girl. Do you have any idea how much we’ve sacrificed to secure our connection.
to the Weston family? You can’t just throw that away because of some petty marital squabble.”
I was stunned, my mouth hanging open. “Mom, he cheated on me! He humiliated me! And you’re telling me to just suck it up and go back to him?”
“Of course I am!” she retorted. “Caden is a powerful, influential man. We can’t afford to lose that connection. You need to ignore
him and be a better wife.”
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I shook my head in disbelief. “Better wife? He’s the one who cheated! And he even
wants to take away my job because of this. How is that fair?”
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic,” she replied. “Married couples have issues all the time. You just need to work it out. And the most important thing right now is that you need to get pregnant, Anna. Do you have any idea how valuable that child would be to our family?”
I felt like I was going to be sick. “Are you seriously telling me to have a baby with him?”
“Of course I am!” she groaned. “You need to focus on that, not this nonsense about divorcing Caden. In fact, I’m going to take you to a fertility specialist tomorrow. We need to get started on that baby right away once and for all.”
“Actually, I’m… I’m already pregnant.” 1 confessed.
Chapter 4
There was a beat of stunned silence, and then my mother’s tone did a complete flip.. “Pregnant? Oh, darling, that’s wonderful news!” She gushed. “See, this is the perfect opportunity to solidify things with Caden. You must go to him at once, make amends, and get him to take you back. This baby is the key to securing your future!”
I barely heard the rest of her excited. rambling, my mind spinning like crazy. I hung up the phone feeling disgusted and angry. I remembered how my parents had pushed me into this marriage with Caden, seeing it as nothing more than a strategic alliance. All they cared about was the power and influence that came with being a Weston. But I actually married him because I was in love with him already, and I thought he loved me too.
I needed to get away, to clear my head. I fumbled with my car keys, hands shaking as I unlocked the door and slid behind the
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Chapter 4
There was a beat of stunned silence, and then my mother’s tone did a complete flip. “Pregnant? Oh, darling, that’s wonderful news!” She gushed. “See, this is the perfect opportunity to solidify things with Caden. You must go to him at once, make amends, and get him to take you back. This baby is the key to securing your future!”
I barely heard the rest of her excited rambling, my mind spinning like crazy. I hung up the phone feeling disgusted and angry. I remembered how my parents had pushed me into this marriage with Caden, seeing it as nothing more than a strategic alliance. All they cared about was the power and influence that came with being a Weston. But I actually married him because I was in love with him already, and I thought he loved me too.
I needed to get away, to clear my head. I fumbled with my car keys, hands shaking as I unlocked the door and slid behind the
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Chapter 4
But barely a block away, I suddenly hit something hard. My heart froze as I realized I had just collided with another car -and from the sound of it, an expensive one at that.
I quickly pulled over, my pulse pounding as I climbed out to assess the damage. As I approached the other vehicle, which was a silver Maserati, a tall, broad–shouldered figure emerged from the driver’s side.
“Hello, Miss. Are you blind or something?” He snapped, striding towards me. “Can’t you see a fucking car coming all the way down the road?”
I got irritated at his condescending tone, my jaw clenching as I inspected the dent on the side of my car. It was just a minor scratch, nothing serious. But the damage to his Maserati was much more significant.
“Excuse me?” I retorted, straightening up to meet his gaze. “I think you were the one not watching where you were going!”
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“Oh, really?” he growled. “Do you want to compare that little scratch of yours to the damage on my car?”
As he stepped closer, the streetlights illuminated his face, and I suddenly felt
breathless. Those piercing hazel eyes, the .sharp jawline, the tousled dark hair–it all
looked so familiar.
“Nate?” I breathed, barely hearing my own voice. “Nate Powers, is that you?”
The man paused, his expression changing from anger to confusion. “Anna?” he said, the recognition dawning on his face. “Anna, is that really you?”